Junior Entry Criteria

Judging System

Preliminary Judging Process (PJP):

  • - Entrants questionnaire
  • - Entrants photos
  • - Entrants online support via social media

  • STAGE 2
    Regional Finals Judging Process (RFJP):

    The RFJP (or Preliminary Judging) will be formally judged during a time selected by either the Regional and/or State Manager to select a Regional Representative to compete in the State Finalist that may focus on the following areas:

  • - Swimwear (16-19yrs) and Sports Wear Section (13-15yrs)
  • - Evening Gown (16-19yrs) and Casual Wear (13-15yrs)

  • STAGE 3
    Remote Judging Process (RJP):

    The RJP system is for official entries that live more than 400km away from the official Venue nominated for Judging and/or are unable to attend the day of Judging for a valid reason:

  • - Entrants video presentation - Entrants need to demonstrate poise and grace whilst walking
  • - Entrants phone call interview - This will be the final opportunity for entrants to make the finals where they will be asked random questions to judge their question response, charm, poise, confidence, personality and sense of humour.

  • STAGE 4
    State Finals Judging Process (SFJP):

    The SFJP system will be formally judged during a time selected by the State Manager, to select a State Representative to compete in the National Finals that may focus on the following areas:

  • - Swimwear (16-19yrs) and Sports Wear Section (13-15yrs)
  • - Evening Gown (16-19yrs) and Formal Wear (13-15yrs)
  • - Random Question

  • STAGE 5
    Peoples Choice Judging Process (PCJP):

    The PCJP system is the last chance for all official entrants to enter that allows them to be given a wildcard entry into the National Finals - where the entrants that receives the most amounts of likes on our FB and/or internet votes via our voting system will receivie an automatic wildcard entry into the National Finals of Miss Teen Australia

    STAGE 6
    National Finals Judging Process (NFJP):

    The NFJP system will be formally judged during a time selected by the National Manager and/or Director of Operations/Production to select a senior National Representative to compete in International events, holding the title of Miss Teen Australia (16-19yrs) and will represent Australia overseas - this National Finals will also select a Junior finalists to be a role model for other Juniors to follow and will hold the title of - Junior Miss Teen Australia (13-15yrs) : 

    The NFJP may focus on the following areas:

  • - Punctuation and Attitude
  • - Personal Presentation and Hygene
  • - Personal Interviews
  • - Stage Presentation
  • - Swimwear (16-19yrs) and Sports Wear Section (13-15yrs)
  • - Evening Gown (16-19yrs) and Formal Wear (13-15yrs)
  • - Random Question (Top 10)

    1. click here for the
      Rules and Conditions of entry
    2. click here for the
      Junior Entry Form